[Rivet] FastJets problems

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Mon Oct 19 16:48:10 BST 2009


I'm trying to get the STAR_2009 UE analysis to do what STAR does. This
includes running SIScone with a split-merge parameter of 0.75. In our
FastJets projection we hard-code it to be 0.5. That's not the
recommended value, but it has been used in many analyses and we don't
bother passing it as parameter.

So instead of simply calling
  addProjection(FastJets(jfs, FastJets::SISCONE, 0.7), "AllJets");
I tried
  addProjection(FastJets(jfs, fastjet::SISConePlugin(0.7, 0.75)), "AllJets");
This yields a segfault during the analysis initialisation.

What's the recommended way of accessing Fastjet plugins directly? Or
shall I introduce the split-merge parameter as an argument to FastJets(...)?


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