[Rivet] Rivet metadata proposal

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk
Wed Feb 11 11:37:14 GMT 2009

Frank Siegert wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Andy Buckley, Monday 09 February 2009:
>> Here's my proposal:
> [...]
> Sounds fine to me.
> I have one question though:

> Do you know of any trick to more easily write long (LaTeX) text into a C++ 
> string? It's not only having to escape everything, but also the line 
> breaks which are quite annoying. If anyone is aware of ways to make that 
> easier and more elegant (also to read), than we probably should all use 
> them.

I've had a look around and I haven't found a nice way to do this ---
Python's three-quote strings are an unusual godsend in that respect. So
I think we just have to put up with a bit of awkwardness. If avoiding
LaTeX escapes is going to be a serious issue, we can define some special
sequences to be replaced, e.g. "pT" -> $p_\perp$ in the manual. Does
that sound helpful? With that and avoiding heavy use of TeX features, I
think we can make it pretty tractable.


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