[Rivet] Rivet meeting at 10:00

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Thu Apr 23 10:55:29 BST 2009


Thus spake Andy Buckley (andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk):

> Agenda items:
>  [...]
>  * Analyses: RHIC, UA1, UA5
>  * What UE measurements we'd like from RHIC

not necessarily just UE. The STAR detector has particle identification
and does an excellent job especially for strangeness (they can't do
secondary vertex tagging for heavy flavour, but their tracker is
designed to do Au-Au, so p-p is a peace of cake).

So far I've seen:

- differential jet pT spectrum (inclusive)
- charged particle pT spectrum (for different charged multiplicity bins
  and inclusive)
- identified particle pT and mT spectra (proton, K0short, K+/-, Lambda,
  Omega-, Xi-, pi+/-), multiplicities (separately for the charge
  conjugate particles, i.e. they also measured ratios like n(K+)/n(K-))
- Rick-Field-style UE analysis
- ln(1/xp) for particles inside jets, binned in jet radius
- jet shapes (d(sumET)/dR)
- maybe (!) <pT> vs n_charged, n_charged

I'm not sure, but it seems that their di-hadron-correlation measurement
was only done in Au-Au and d-Au so far. I have to check that today.

So please don't restrict yourself to UE observables. If you could ask a
p-p experiment with excellent tracking and particle id for whatever you
like, what would you pick?


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