[Rivet] 06/09 Rivet meeting summary/actions

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk
Mon Oct 6 15:00:12 BST 2008


1. CDF W+jets
 * EMILY: put invariant mass constraint on e-nu_e pairs in CDF W=jets
analysis. We'll leave the normalisation issue as-is at the moment,
provided it's within about a factor of 2 of the data.

2. D0 Z & W pT
 * LARS: Commit D0_2001_ code updates and test the W pT plots with
Fortran Herwig (using tune params from Emily's thesis).

3. Oleg has chopped down the Genser bootstrap script to "only" download
30 Mb or so of build utils. Well, it's better than 800 Mb!
 * ALL: test it and feed back to Oleg. We need to keep Genser informed
about where the problems lie --- in a lot of cases their effort is
probably needed in fixing generator build scripts rather than their own

4. CMS & Rivet
 * ANDY: email Paolo Bartalini about discussing CMS use of Rivet while
we are at MPI at LHC at the end of the month.

5. Atlas kits
 * JAMES: follow up on how Atlas kits are being made... maybe to get
Rivet in the kits, we just need to make sure it's in a release. The
Rivet package should be updated to use Rivet 1.1.1, currently on the
"secret" /afs/.cern.ch area.
 * LARS: once Rivet 1.1.1 is tested by James, get Alberto to copy this
version across to the main Genser area. In general, running a test
analysis should be sufficient.

6. Rivet on the Grid
 * JAMES: Test non-Athena Rivet with a tarball distributed to the Grid.


Dr Andy Buckley
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Durham University
0191 3343798 | 0191 3732613 | www.insectnation.org

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