[Rivet] Rivet/validation meeting this week

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk
Mon Nov 10 17:48:38 GMT 2008

Hi y'all,

It's been a couple of weeks since our last phone meeting and I think
it's important that we have one this week to keep our momentum. How is
Thursday 2pm (UK)? Usual meeting details on the DESY phone system.

Issues that I've got on my mind:

 * Submission/validation system and comparision web pages
 * Progress towards stable Rivet release 1.1.2
 * Involvement with YETI in January
 * Meetings at CERN / UCL / DESY
 * New analysis plans: RHIC, etc.

anyone else got issues to discuss? I'm sure there are more ;)


Dr Andy Buckley
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Durham University
0191 3343798 | 0191 3732613 | www.insectnation.org

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