[Rivet] CDF_2006_S6653332

Lars Sonnenschein sonne at mail.cern.ch
Fri Feb 8 08:32:21 GMT 2008

Hello Emily
when I have written the analysis I have not considered it as an efficiency 
cut, which is corrected for.
It depends on the details of their simulation. If they have just matched 
the jets to partons you are right. If the full GEANT reconstructed jets
are checked e.g. for EM fraction to distinguish between jets and photons
it would be more accurate as implemented.

Similar one could match jets to b or c quarks for heavy flavour tagging.
But then one would have difficulties to explain the b, c and light jet 
fraction in the figure of merit, which are the eta and pT distributions of 
tagged jets.

Unfortunaletly I haven't had the time to generate a large Z+b jets
sample to check if the published distributions come out right.

In the optimal case one would exactly reproduce their generated event
samples (same generator/parameter settings) to verify that the 
distributions match.

Please go ahead and check if this improves


On Fri, 8 Feb 2008, Emily Nurse wrote:

> Dear Riveters,
> The Rivet routine CDF_2006_S6653332 seems to attempt to simulate the  
> analysis ID cuts such as electron calorimeter HAD/EM etc at the  
> generator level. This is impossible to do and is also not necessary  
> as the result is corrected for the ID cuts. I'm happy to work on  
> correcting this if given the go ahead.
> Cheers,
> Emily.
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Lars Sonnenschein    
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