[Rivet-svn] rivet: Update manual to remove mentions of AGILe and fix the boo...

Rivet Mercurial rivet at projects.hepforge.org
Thu May 5 20:15:02 BST 2016

details:   https://rivet.hepforge.org/hg/rivet/rev/06ae5fa8e52f
branches:  release-2-4-x
changeset: 5191:06ae5fa8e52f
user:      Andy Buckley <andy at insectnation.org>
date:      Thu May 05 20:09:39 2016 +0100
Update manual to remove mentions of AGILe and fix the bootstrap script URL

diffs (truncated from 211 to 50 lines):

--- a/doc/gettingstarted.tex	Thu May 05 17:48:21 2016 +0100
+++ b/doc/gettingstarted.tex	Thu May 05 20:09:39 2016 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 \paragraph{Bootstrap script}
 We have written a bootstrapping
-script which will download tarballs of Rivet, AGILe and the other required
+script which will download tarballs of Rivet and the other required
 libraries, expand them and build them in the right order with the correct build
 flags. This is generally nicer than doing it all by hand, and virtually
 essential if you want to use the existing versions of FastJet, HepMC, generator
@@ -55,13 +55,15 @@
 Now, change directory to your build area (you may also want to make this,
 e.g. \kbd{\home/build}), and download the script:\\
-\inp{wget \url{http://rivet.hepforge.org/svn/bootstrap/rivet-bootstrap}}\\
+%\inp{wget \url{http://rivet.hepforge.org/svn/bootstrap/rivet-bootstrap}}\\
+\inp{wget \url{http://rivet.hepforge.org/hg/bootstrap/raw-file/X.Y.Z/rivet-bootstrap}}\\
+(where X.Y.Z is the release that you want to install)\\
 \inp{chmod +x rivet-bootstrap}\\
 Now run it to get some help:
 \inp{./rivet-bootstrap --help}\\
-Now to actually do the install: for example, to bootstrap Rivet and AGILe
+Now to actually do the install: for example, to bootstrap Rivet %and AGILe
 to the install area specified as the prefix argument, run this:\\
-\inp{./rivet-bootstrap --install-agile --prefix=\val{localdir}}
+\inp{./rivet-bootstrap --prefix=\val{localdir}}
 If you are running on a system where the CERN AFS area is mounted as
 \path{/afs/cern.ch}, then the bootstrap script will attempt to use the pre-built
@@ -72,8 +74,8 @@
 file, e.g. \kbd{source rivetenv.sh} to make your current shell ready-to-go
 for a Rivet run (use \kbd{rivetenv.csh} if you are a C shell user).
-You now have a working, installed copy of the Rivet and AGILe libraries, and the
-\kbd{rivet} and \kbd{agile-runmc} executables: respectively these are the
+You now have a working, installed copy of the Rivet library, and the
+\kbd{rivet}, \kbd{rivet-*}, and \kbd{yoda*} executables: respectively these are the
 command-line frontend to the Rivet analysis library, and a convenient steering
 command for generators which do not provide their own main program with HepMC
 output. To test that they work as expected, source the setup scripts as above,
@@ -81,49 +83,53 @@
 \inp{rivet --help}\\
 This should print a quick-reference user guide for the \kbd{rivet} command to
-the terminal. Similarly, for \kbd{agile-runmc},\\
-\inp{agile-runmc --help}\\
-\inp{agile-runmc --list-gens}\\
-\inp{agile-runmc --beams=pp:14000 Pythia6:425}\\
-which should respectively print the help, list the available generators and make

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