[Rivet-svn] r3796 - trunk/src/Analyses

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Tue Jul 3 21:44:29 BST 2012

Author: hoeth
Date: Tue Jul  3 21:44:29 2012
New Revision: 3796



Modified: trunk/src/Analyses/D0_2001_S4674421.cc
--- trunk/src/Analyses/D0_2001_S4674421.cc	Tue Jul  3 21:32:44 2012	(r3795)
+++ trunk/src/Analyses/D0_2001_S4674421.cc	Tue Jul  3 21:44:29 2012	(r3796)
@@ -71,29 +71,29 @@
       if (eeFS.particles().size() >= 2) {
         // If there is a Z candidate:
         // Fill Z pT distributions
-	double deltaM2=1e30,mass2(0.);
-	double pT=-1.;
+        double deltaM2=1e30,mass2(0.);
+        double pT=-1.;
         const ParticleVector& Zdaughters = eeFS.particles();
-	for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<Zdaughters.size();++ix) {
- 	  for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<Zdaughters.size();++iy) {
- 	    if(Zdaughters[ix].pdgId()!=-Zdaughters[iy].pdgId()) continue;
- 	    const FourMomentum pmom = Zdaughters[ix].momentum() + Zdaughters[iy].momentum();
- 	    double mz2 = pmom.mass2();
- 	    double dm2 = abs(mz2-sqr(91.118*GeV));
-	    if(dm2<deltaM2) {
-	      pT = pmom.pT();
-	      deltaM2 = dm2;
-	      mass2 = mz2;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	if (pT>0. && mass2 > 0. && inRange(sqrt(mass2)/GeV, 75.0, 105.0)) {
-	  _eventsFilledZ += weight;
+        for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<Zdaughters.size();++ix) {
+          for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<Zdaughters.size();++iy) {
+            if(Zdaughters[ix].pdgId()!=-Zdaughters[iy].pdgId()) continue;
+            const FourMomentum pmom = Zdaughters[ix].momentum() + Zdaughters[iy].momentum();
+            double mz2 = pmom.mass2();
+            double dm2 = abs(mz2-sqr(91.118*GeV));
+            if(dm2<deltaM2) {
+              pT = pmom.pT();
+              deltaM2 = dm2;
+              mass2 = mz2;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if (pT>0. && mass2 > 0. && inRange(sqrt(mass2)/GeV, 75.0, 105.0)) {
+          _eventsFilledZ += weight;
           MSG_DEBUG("Z pmom.pT() = " << pT/GeV << " GeV");
           _h_dsigdpt_z->fill(pT/GeV, weight);
-	  // return if found a Z
-	  return;
-	}
+          // return if found a Z
+          return;
+        }
       // There is no Z -> ee candidate... so this might be a W event
       const LeadingParticlesFinalState& enuFS = applyProjection<LeadingParticlesFinalState>(event, "enuFS");
@@ -102,23 +102,23 @@
       double deltaM2=1e30;
       double pT=-1.;
       for(unsigned int iw=0;iw<2;++iw) {
-	ParticleVector Wdaughters;
-	Wdaughters = iw==0 ? enuFS.particles() : enubFS.particles();
-	for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<Wdaughters.size();++ix) {
-	  for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<Wdaughters.size();++iy) {
-	    if(Wdaughters[ix].pdgId()==Wdaughters[iy].pdgId())  continue;
-	    const FourMomentum pmom = Wdaughters[0].momentum() + Wdaughters[1].momentum();
-	    double dm2 = abs(pmom.mass2()-sqr(80.4*GeV));
-	    if(dm2<deltaM2) {
-	      pT = pmom.pT();
-	      deltaM2 = dm2;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
+        ParticleVector Wdaughters;
+        Wdaughters = iw==0 ? enuFS.particles() : enubFS.particles();
+        for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<Wdaughters.size();++ix) {
+          for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<Wdaughters.size();++iy) {
+            if(Wdaughters[ix].pdgId()==Wdaughters[iy].pdgId())  continue;
+            const FourMomentum pmom = Wdaughters[0].momentum() + Wdaughters[1].momentum();
+            double dm2 = abs(pmom.mass2()-sqr(80.4*GeV));
+            if(dm2<deltaM2) {
+              pT = pmom.pT();
+              deltaM2 = dm2;
+            }
+          }
+        }
       if(pT>0.) {
-	_eventsFilledW += weight;
-	_h_dsigdpt_w->fill(pT/GeV, weight);
+        _eventsFilledW += weight;
+        _h_dsigdpt_w->fill(pT/GeV, weight);
@@ -150,18 +150,18 @@
         const double scalefactor = (xSecW / wpt_integral) / (xSecZ / zpt_integral) * MW_MZ * BRZEE_BRWENU;
         for (size_t ibin=0; ibin<_h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->numPoints(); ibin++) {
           if (_h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).area() == 0 || _h_dsigdpt_z->bin(ibin).area() == 0) {
-	    _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->point(ibin) = Point2D(_h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).midpoint(), 0.,
-						       _h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).width(), 0.);
+            _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->point(ibin) = Point2D(_h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).midpoint(), 0.,
+                                                       _h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).width(), 0.);
           } else {
-	    double yval = scalefactor * _h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).area() / _h_dsigdpt_z->bin(ibin).area();
+            double yval = scalefactor * _h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).area() / _h_dsigdpt_z->bin(ibin).area();
             double dy2 = 0.;
             // binWidth(ibin) is needed because binHeight is actually sumofweights. It's AIDA. Don't ask.  :-((((
             dy2 += pow(_h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).areaErr()/_h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).height(),2);
             dy2 += pow(_h_dsigdpt_z->bin(ibin).areaErr()/_h_dsigdpt_z->bin(ibin).height(),2);
             double dy = scalefactor * _h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).area()/_h_dsigdpt_z->bin(ibin).area() * sqrt(dy2);
-	    _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->point(ibin) = Point2D(_h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).midpoint(), yval,
-						       _h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).width(), dy);
+            _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->point(ibin) = Point2D(_h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).midpoint(), yval,
+                                                       _h_dsigdpt_w->bin(ibin).width(), dy);

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