[Rivet-announce] Rivet 2.1.0 release

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Fri Feb 7 10:53:02 GMT 2014

Dear Rivet users,

We are very happy to announce the release of Rivet 2.1.0, the second
major version in the 2.x series. It's available as usual from


along with a (required) new version of the YODA histogramming package
from https://yoda.hepforge.org . We have updated the "getting started"
instructions and bootstrap scripts to make it easier to install Rivet on
machines both with and without access to the CERN AFS filesystem.

This new version updates the Rivet 2.0.0 analysis content to be
equivalent to that of 1.9.0, the final release in the 1.x series. It
also includes many improvements to the programming interface (such as
improvements in photon clustering with the W/ZFinder classes, a more
powerful Particle class and truth helper functions, and reduced package
dependencies: users no longer need to install yaml-cpp to use Rivet.

There are of course also many bug-fixes and minor improvements, and we
encourage everyone to upgrade immediately. Installation requires the new
YODA version 1.0.5, and the cmake build tool (which is now a standard
part of the LCG toolkit). As with version 2.0.0, FastJet version 3 is
now required.

The following releases will be patch releases 2.1.1, etc. to make new
analyses available as rapidly as we can, and a 2.2.0 major version which
will add significant new analysis features regarding jet structure, jet
tagging, kinematic cuts, and treatment of multi-weighted events.

Best wishes,
The Rivet team

Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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