[PyFeyn] bug!!!

Viesturs Veckalns viesturs.veckalns at cern.ch
Fri Jan 15 22:28:31 GMT 2016

Dear colleagues!
I got all examples running (see my previous mail) by changing the source file


in the following way:

1. In function getarrowpath I introduced argument constriction and removed "self" in its implementation:

def getarrowpath(arrowtopath, selfpos, var1, selfsize, var2, constriction, constrictionlen):
        if pyxversion >= Version("0.12"):
            arrowpath = pyx.deco._arrowhead(arrowtopath, selfpos,
                                        1, selfsize, 45, constriction,
            arrowpath = pyx.deco._arrowhead(arrowtopath, selfpos,
                                        1, selfsize, 45, constrictionlen)
        return arrowpath

2. In the implementation of Arrow::decorate I added self.constriction to the arguments of getarrowpath
arrowpath = getarrowpath(arrowtopath, self.pos*dp.path.arclen(),
                                        1, self.size, 45, self.constriction, constrictionlen)

There was an apparent bug in the pyfeyn deco source code.

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