[Laura-announce] New version (v3r4) of Laura++ package released

laura at projects.hepforge.org laura at projects.hepforge.org
Thu Jan 18 15:39:58 GMT 2018

Dear Laura++ users,

We are very pleased to announce the release of v3r4 of the Laura++ package.

One major change introduced in this version is a change of the software
licence under which the package is released.  All previous versions were
released under the terms of the Boost Software License, Version 1.0, which
can be found at the following URL:
>From v3r4 forward we are releasing the package under the terms of the
Apache License, Version 2.0, which can be found at the following URL:

This version also contains the following changes:

* Correct LauFlatteRes to use the exact formulae from the papers that report
  the default parameter values for each supported resonance
  - Correct behaviour in the cases where the m0 is absorbed into the couplings
  - Use the correct value of g1 for the a_0(980) (needed to be squared)
  - Set also the mass values to those reported in those papers
  - Added printout to specify what is being done in each case

* Improve the consistency between the weightEvents functions in
  LauSimpleFitModel and LauCPFitModel
  - Remove the unecessary division by ASqMax in
  - Improve error messages in LauCPFitModel::weightEvents

* Allow background yields to be specified as any LauAbsRValue, i.e. can now be
  specified as a LauFormulaPar

* In LauFitDataTree::readExperimentData add a check that the tree contains the
  branch "iExpt" and if not:
  - If the requested experiment is 0 then read all data in the tree (and print
    a warning)
  - Otherwise print an error message and return

Please see the doc/release.notes file for a full record of the changes.

The new version can be downloaded from the download page:
or checked out from svn.

The doxygen documentation is available on the webpage:

A new version of the paper draft will also be posted to arXiv shortly to
reflect these few changes.  This version will also be submitted to the

Many thanks,
The Laura++ Developers

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