[Laura-announce] New version (v3r1) of Laura++ package released

laura at projects.hepforge.org laura at projects.hepforge.org
Fri Sep 9 19:02:09 BST 2016

Dear Laura++ users,

We are very pleased to announce the release of v3r1 of the Laura++ package.

This version contains the following new features:

* The ability to "blind" fit parameters
  - the GenFitNoDP.cc example has been updated to include example lines

* The integration is now performed in the square DP if narrow resonances
  are found in m12
  - this greatly improves the speed of the integration for such cases
  - the integration grid size is tunable by the user

* New lineshapes have been added for:
  - modelling rho-omega mixing: LauRhoOmegaMix
  - modelling the Kpi S-wave: LauEFKLLMRes

A number of other changes have occurred:

* Methods have been added to simplify actions on isobar coefficient
  parameters, e.g.
  - setting the values or errors (to set the step size) by hand
  - applying Gaussian constraints
  - blinding the parameter

* There are more options available for chosing the type of 1D spline used
  for interpolation in various places in the package, e.g. Akima splines

* Some bug fixes, including:
  - Correction to f(s) factor in Gounaris-Sakurai lineshape to use Gamma_0
    instead of Gamma(s)
  - Matching of the order of addition of resonances and coefficients to the
    model is no longer assumed but they are now automatically matched and
    the coefficients reodered to the order of addition of the resonances to
  - Improvements in the handling of incoherent resonances
  - Improved handling of failure of two-stage fits at the first stage

* Fit parameters can no longer be "firstStage", i.e. floated in the first
  stage of the two-stage fit and fixed in the second
  - This didn't seem to be a useful feature (please provide feedback if you
  - It leads to a number of possible error conditions that would require
    much effort to work around
  - NB parameters can still be "secondStage" - which is definitely a very
    useful feature and will continue to be fully supported!

* Various improvements to documentation

Please see the doc/release.notes file for a full record of the changes.

The new version can be downloaded from the download page:
or checked out from svn.

The doxygen documentation is available on the webpage:

Many thanks,
The Laura++ Developers

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