[HepData-svn] r1576 - trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Tue Oct 2 11:51:25 BST 2012

Author: whalley
Date: Tue Oct  2 11:51:25 2012
New Revision: 1576

updates and addtions for locating with DOI for Elsevier


Added: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/DoiBanner.tml
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/DoiBanner.tml	Tue Oct  2 11:51:25 2012	(r1576)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+<html  xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd">
+<title>DOI banner page HepData</title>
+<t:if test="havePaper">
+   <img src="${asset:context:hepdata.jpg}"/>
+<t:parameter name="else">
+    <img src="${asset:context:hepdata_null.jpg}"/>

Added: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/DoiData.tml
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/DoiData.tml	Tue Oct  2 11:51:25 2012	(r1576)
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+<html t:type="layout" xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd">
+<style type="text/css">
+ display: none;
+<script type="text/javascript" src="http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/resource/HEPjax.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript"
+    src="http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/resource/mathjax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML">
+<script type="text/javascript">
+function ExpandClicked(dom_element, expanded_url, expand_url){
+  var startingPoint = dom_element.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling;
+  dom_element.src = (dom_element.src.indexOf(expanded_url) != -1) ? expand_url: expanded_url;
+  while (startingPoint){
+    if (startingPoint.className.indexOf("hidden") != -1){
+      startingPoint.className = "";
+    } else {
+      startingPoint.className += " hidden";
+    }
+    startingPoint = startingPoint.nextSibling;
+  }
+<body onLoad="replaceHEP('qualifier_class','observable_class','http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/resource/dictionary');">
+<t:if test="havePaper">
+<t:if test="longFormat">
+    <h2> Reaction Database Full Record Display</h2>
+    View
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="shortContext"><font size="-1">short record</font></a>
+<t:parameter name="else">
+    <h2> Reaction Database Short Record Display</h2>
+    View
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="baseContext"><font size="-1">full record</font></a>
+    or as: 
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="plainContext">plain text</a>, 
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="aidaContext">AIDA</a>, 
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="pyrootContext">PyROOT,</a> 
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="yodaContext">YODA</a>,  
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="rootContext">ROOT</a>, 
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="matplotlibContext">mpl</a> or  
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="jhepworkContext">jhepwork</a>  
+<t:if test="haveMultiple">
+    <font size="-1">
+    <br/>
+    This record has multiple entries with HepData Ids:  
+    <t:if test="haveMultiple2"> 
+    (
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="hdpaper1Context">${paper1.hepdataId}</a> 
+    -
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="hdpaper2Context">${paper2.hepdataId}</a> 
+    )
+    </t:if>
+    <t:if test="haveMultiple3"> 
+    ( 
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="hdpaper1Context">${paper1.hepdataId}</a> 
+    -
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="hdpaper2Context">${paper2.hepdataId}</a> 
+    -
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="hdpaper3Context">${paper3.hepdataId}</a> 
+    )
+    </t:if>
+   </font>
+    <title>HepData – ${paper.shortName}</title>
+    <div class="paperbox">
+      <h2 class="papertitle">
+        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="paperContext">${paper.shortName}</a> 
+        — ${paper.title}
+      </h2>
+      <t:if test="queryD">
+        <h4>
+          Showing only dataset(s): ${queryD} 
+          (<a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="paperContext">show all</a>)
+        </h4>
+      </t:if>
+      <p>
+        Experiment:
+        <a href="http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/cgi-bin/spiface/experiments/www2?fin+expt+${paper.experimentName}">
+          <b>${paper.experimentName} (${paper.informalName})</b></a>
+        <br/>
+        <t:if test="paper.firstPublished">
+          Published in <b>${paper.firstPublished}</b>
+          (DOI:<a href="http://dx.doi.org/${paper.DOI}">${paper.DOI}</a>)
+          <br/>
+        </t:if>
+        <t:if test="paper.firstErratum">
+          Erratum in <b>${paper.firstErratum}</b>
+          <br/>
+        </t:if>
+        <t:if test="paper.firstPreprint">
+          Preprinted as <b>${paper.firstPreprint}</b> 
+          <br/>
+        </t:if>
+        <t:if test="paper.archive">
+          Archived as: 
+          <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/${paper.archive}"><b>${paper.archive}</b></a> 
+          <br/>
+        </t:if>
+        <t:if test="paper.firstConference">
+          Conference paper <b>${paper.firstConference}</b> 
+          <br/>
+        </t:if>
+        <t:if test="paper.firstAux">
+          Auxiliary Material: <a href="${paper.firstAux}">${paper.firstAux}</a> 
+          <br/>
+        </t:if>
+        <t:if test="paper.inspireId">
+          Record in: 
+          <a href="http://inspirehep.net/search?p=recid+${paper.inspireId}&search_action=Search"><b>INSPIRE</b></a> 
+          <br/>
+        </t:if>
+        <t:if test="paper.haveRivet">
+          Rivet Analysis: 
+        <a href="http://projects.hepforge.org/rivet/analyses#${paper.rivetName}"><b>${paper.rivetName}</b></a>        
+       </t:if>
+       </p>
+      <div class="papercomments">
+        <t:displayPaperComments p="paper" />
+      </div> 
+      <div class="extradata">
+      <t:if test="haveExtraIRNDesc1">
+          <a href="${showExtraIRNLink1}">${showExtraIRNDesc1}</a>
+      </t:if>  
+      <t:if test="haveExtraIRNDesc2">
+          <br/><a href="${showExtraIRNLink2}">${showExtraIRNDesc2}</a>
+      </t:if>  
+      <t:if test="haveExtraIRNDesc3">
+         <br/> <a href="${showExtraIRNLink3}">${showExtraIRNDesc3}</a>
+      </t:if>  
+      <t:if test="haveExtraIRNDesc4">
+          <br/><a href="${showExtraIRNLink4}">${showExtraIRNDesc4}</a>
+      </t:if>  
+      <t:if test="haveExtraREDDesc1">
+          <br/>
+          <a href="${showExtraREDLink1}">${showExtraREDDesc1}</a>
+      </t:if>  
+      <t:if test="haveExtraREDDesc2">
+          <br/>
+          <a href="${showExtraREDLink2}">${showExtraREDDesc2}</a>
+      </t:if>  
+      <t:if test="haveExtraREDDesc3">
+          <br/>
+          <a href="${showExtraREDLink3}">${showExtraREDDesc3}</a>
+      </t:if>  
+      <t:if test="haveExtraREDDesc4">
+          <br/>
+          <a href="${showExtraREDLink4}">${showExtraREDDesc4}</a>
+      </t:if>  
+      <t:if test="haveExtraIRNDesc">
+          <br/>
+          <a href="/resource/${paper.spiresId}/index.shtml">${showExtraIRNDesc}</a> 
+      </t:if>
+      <t:if test="haveExtraREDDesc">
+      <br/>
+          <a href="/resource/${paper.redId}/index.shtml">${showExtraREDDesc}</a> 
+      </t:if>
+      </div>
+      <p>
+          <a href="/saveplot?list=all"
+           title="Show the datasets which have been selected for combined plotting">View list of currently selected plots</a>
+        <!-- <t:if test="searchquery"> -->
+        <!--   | <a href="search?q=${searchquery}">Back to search...</a> -->
+        <!-- </t:if> -->
+     </p>
+      <t:if test="showSys">
+         <t:if test="haveSys">
+            <h4 class="datasettitle">
+            Additional Systematic Errors and Comments
+            </h4>
+            <div class="systematics">        
+                <t:displaySystematics p="paper" />
+            </div>
+        </t:if>
+      </t:if>
+      <t:if test="isMultiPage">
+        <p>
+          Total number of tables: <b>${paper.datasets.size()}</b>.  
+          Displaying: <b>${counter}</b> to <b>${counterend}</b>.  
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="firstcontext">First</a> |  
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="prevcontext">Previous</a> | 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="nextcontext">Next</a> | 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="lastcontext">Last</a>
+        </p>
+      </t:if>
+      <t:loop source="datasetsnew" value="dataset">
+         <t:if test="longFormat">
+         <div>
+         <div>
+           <div class="datasetbox">
+                    <!--     <h3 class="datasettitle"> -->
+                <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="baseContext">Table ${dataset.id}</a>
+                ( <t:displayDatasetLocation ds="dataset" /> )
+         <!--     </h3> -->
+         <img  onClick="ExpandClicked(this,'${asset:context:button_expand.png}','${asset:context:button_hide.png}');" 
+                  src ="${asset:context:button_hide.png}"/> 
+          <!-- <p class="altdsformats"> -->
+            or as:
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="plainContext">plain text</a>, 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="aidaContext">AIDA</a>, 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="pyrootContext">PyROOT</a>, 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="yodaContext">YODA</a>, 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="rootContext">ROOT</a>,  
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="matplotlibContext">mpl</a> or 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="jhepworkContext">jhepwork</a>  
+          <!-- </p> -->
+          <t:displayDatasetComments ds="dataset" />
+<!--          <t:datasetAsHtml dataset="dataset" format="${format}" /> -->
+          </div>
+            </div><div>
+              <div><t:datasetAsHtml dataset="dataset" format="${format}" /></div>
+        </div>
+        </div>
+         <t:parameter name="else">
+         <div>
+         <div>
+           <div class="datasetbox">
+                    <!--     <h3 class="datasettitle"> -->
+                <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="baseContext">Table ${dataset.id}</a>
+                 ( <t:displayDatasetLocation ds="dataset" /> )
+        <!--     </h3> -->
+         <img  onClick="ExpandClicked(this,'${asset:context:button_expand.png}','${asset:context:button_hide.png}');" 
+                  src ="${asset:context:button_expand.png}"/> 
+          <!-- <p class="altdsformats"> -->
+            or as:
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="plainContext">plain text</a>, 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="aidaContext">AIDA</a>, 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="pyrootContext">PyROOT</a>, 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="yodaContext">YODA</a>, 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="rootContext">ROOT</a>,  
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="matplotlibContext">mpl</a> or 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="jhepworkContext">jhepwork</a>  
+          <!-- </p> -->
+          <t:displayDatasetComments ds="dataset" />
+          </div>
+            </div><div class="hidden">
+             <div><t:datasetAsHtml dataset="dataset" format="${format}" /></div>
+        </div>
+        </div>
+         </t:parameter>
+         </t:if>
+      </t:loop>
+      <t:if test="isMultiPage">
+        <p>
+          Total number of tables: <b>${paper.datasets.size()}</b>.  
+<!--          Displaying: <b>${counter}</b> to <b>${counterend}</b>.  -->
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="firstcontext">First</a> |  
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="prevcontext">Previous</a> | 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="nextcontext">Next</a> | 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="lastcontext">Last</a>
+        </p>
+      </t:if>
+    </div>
+  <p class="permalinks">
+    Permalinks: 
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="hdpaperContext">by HepData ID</a> |
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="spiresContext">by Spires ID</a> | 
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="InspireContext">by Inspire ID</a>
+    <br/>
+   (Reaction db ID=${paper.id}, RED=${paper.redid})
+  </p>
+    <t:parameter name="else">
+      <title>HepData paper view</title>
+      <h2>No valid paper could be found with the given ID/IRN</h2>
+    </t:parameter>
+  </t:if>

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