[HepData-svn] r1514 - trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Thu Feb 23 10:29:17 GMT 2012

Author: whalley
Date: Thu Feb 23 10:29:17 2012
New Revision: 1514

mods to allow more control of formatting of comments in paper and datasets ... using the # symbol to force a new line.


Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DatasetAsHtml.java
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DatasetAsHtml.java	Wed Feb 22 09:42:01 2012	(r1513)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DatasetAsHtml.java	Thu Feb 23 10:29:17 2012	(r1514)
@@ -35,8 +35,21 @@
         writer.attributes("class", "datasetcomments");
         for (String comment : _dataset.getComments()) {
-            writer.element("br"); writer.end();
-            writer.write(comment);
+            int ls=comment.length();
+            while (ls>0){
+                int iend = ls;
+                int ihash = comment.indexOf("#");
+                if(ihash>0) { iend = ihash; }
+                writer.element("br"); writer.end();
+                writer.write(comment.substring(0,iend));
+                if(iend<ls){ 
+                     comment=comment.substring(ihash+1);
+                     ls=comment.length();
+                } else {
+                    ls=0;
+                }
+            }
        // now try to deal with additional dataset errors...

Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DisplayPaperComments.java
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DisplayPaperComments.java	Wed Feb 22 09:42:01 2012	(r1513)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DisplayPaperComments.java	Thu Feb 23 10:29:17 2012	(r1514)
@@ -47,18 +47,46 @@
                     else {comment = "";}
-            int istart = 0;
-	        int linelength = 80;
+//            String bs = b.toString();
+//            int istart = 0;
+//	          int linelength = 80;
+//            while(istart<b.length()){
+//               int imax=istart+linelength;
+//               if(imax > b.length()){imax=b.length();}
+//               // force a new line with a # symbol
+//               int iendhash = bs.substring(istart,imax).indexOf("#"); 
+//               int iendspace = bs.substring(istart,imax).lastIndexOf(" ");
+//               int iend = iendspace;
+//               if(iendhash>=0 && iendhash<iendspace) { iend = iendhash;} 
+//               writer.element("br");writer.end();
+//               writer.write(bs.substring(istart,istart+iend));
+//               istart=istart+iend+1;
+//            }
+            //  new way
             String bs = b.toString();
-            while(istart<b.length()){
-               int imax=istart+linelength;
-               if(imax > b.length()){imax=b.length();}
-               int iend=bs.substring(0,imax).lastIndexOf(" "); 
-               writer.element("br");writer.end();
-               writer.write(bs.substring(istart,iend));
-               istart=iend+1;
+            int ls=bs.length();
+            System.out.println(bs + " " + ls);
+            while (ls>0){
+                int iend = ls;
+                int ihash = bs.indexOf("#");
+              System.out.println("ihash "+ihash+" iend " + ls);
+                if(ihash>=0) { iend = ihash; }
+                writer.element("br"); writer.end();
+                writer.write(bs.substring(0,iend));
+                if(iend<ls){ 
+                     bs=bs.substring(ihash+1);
+                     ls=bs.length();
+                } else {
+                    ls=0;
+                }

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