[GiBUU-announce] GiBUU release 1.6

Janus Weil Janus.Weil at theo.physik.uni-giessen.de
Mon Oct 14 16:20:25 BST 2013

Dear GiBUU users,

we are happy to announce that release 1.6 of the GiBUU transport code 
has been published. It includes the following new features and 

  * String threshold for baryon-baryon collisions
    increased to 3.4 +- 0.1 GeV
  * Extended resonance model from EPJ A48 (2012) 111
    <http://inspirehep.net/record/1094057> enabled by default
  * Kaon potentials
    added (in RMF mode)
  * Possibility to tune the Kaon production cross sections
    in baryon-baryon collisions
  * Pythia <http://pythia6.hepforge.org/> updated to version 6.4.27
  * 2p-2h contributions for neutrino-induced events added
  * Flux distributions of all major long baseline neutrino experiments
  * Energy reconstruction and migration matrices for neutrino
    experiments implemented
  * Oscillation analysis for neutrino experiments implemented
  * Many small improvements and bugfixes

Note that release 1.6 represents the first 'full' release of GiBUU with 
all code-parts included (i.e. a complete snapshot of the current 
development version without any deletions).

As with the previous release, the recommended way to obtain the code is 
via subversion <https://gibuu.hepforge.org/trac/wiki/svn>. The release 
branch will receive occasional bugfixes and minor updates until the next 
major release. These updates will be visible in the timeline on the 
GiBUU website and can be applied to your working copy via "svn update".

Please refer to the GiBUU website for further information: 

If you have any questions regarding release 1.6 (or GiBUU in general), 
please contact the GiBUU mailing list (gibuu at projects.hepforge.org).

Best regards,
Janus Weil
(on behalf of the GiBUU team)

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