[Flexiblesusy] Find for a Complete List of Available Functions and Symbols in the Boundary Conditions

Alexander Voigt ahgvoigt at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 11:14:30 BST 2021

Dear Song Li,

I'm afraid there is not jet an official exhaustive documentation of the
list of all symbols that can be used in the boundary conditions (BCs).
You may find some first guidance here:


However, I can of course give you some additional guidance.  :)

The following symbols can be used in the all boundary conditions (of
course the names of the symbols depend on your particular model):

* any input parameter (TanBeta, m0, m12, ... for example in the CMSSM)
* any running model parameter (Mhh, MFu, MVZ, g1, g2, ...)
* any pole mass (Pole[Mhh], Pole[MVZ], ...)
* any derived parameter (ThetaW, VEV, ...)
* renormalization scale: SCALE
* beta function: BETA (see BetaSM example model file)
* GUT normalization factors, for example GUTNormalization[g1] etc.

In addition you can use in the low-scale constraint the symbols:

* MZPole (input Z pole mass)
* EMSbar, EDRbar (running electromagnetic gauge coupling in the model)
* THETAW (running theta_w in the model)
* CKM (input CKM matrix)
* PMNS (input PMNS matrix)
* running fermion masses in the model: upQuarksDRbar, downQuarksDRbar,
  downLeptonsDRbar, neutrinoDRbar

One can infer the list of available symbols from the C preprocessor
definitions in templates/two_scale_low_scale_constraint.cpp.in etc.

In addition you can use large expressions of all of the above paramters.
For examples you can have a look at the following models:


I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but if you are more specific I
can give you some more hints or examples.  :)

Best regards
Alexander Voigt

P.S.: The FlexibleSUSY mailing list is not used so frequently,
unfortunately.  If you like, you can also ask a question on github,
which will be checked by all of the FlexibleSUSY developers more regularly.

On 9/16/21 4:30 AM, 李松 wrote:
> Dear FlexibleSUSY developers:
>   Thank you for the FlexibleSUSY that you have developed, which has
> provided me with a lot of help in my work. Now I have some difficulties,
> and I want to know how to find a complete list of functions and symbols
> that can be used for boundary conditions. Please give me guidance, thank
> you very much.
> Song Li

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