[Flexiblesusy] Bug in SLHA output

Peter Athron peter.athron at coepp.org.au
Sun Jun 24 18:04:19 BST 2018

Hi Paul,

I think this is just an SLHA version issue.

The slha file you attach from SOFTSUSY looks like it is SLHA1, where the 
sfermions are given as gauge or 3rd family family eigenstates.

In the FlexibleSUSY output for that model we use the SLHA2 standard with 
flavour violation and there the sfermions are mass ordered. This does 
change the meaning of the PDG codes that are used as entries in the MASS 

See Eqs 28-31 of https://arxiv.org/abs/0801.0045 and the note below them 
for details.

I believe you would get the same result in SOFTSUSY and probably SPHENO 
if set entry 6 of the MODSEL block to 1.

You can check the composition of the sfermions by looking at the mixing 
matrices given in Blocks USQMIX, DSQMIX and SELMIX.

If you need to use SLHA1 output instead with FlexibleSUSY, this should 
be possible, but you would need to do something similar to what we do in 
the CMSSMNoFV model file, where we use the SARAH model file,  MSSMNoFV, 
that has no flavour violation in the sfermion sector and define SLHA1 
like output blocks in the model file.

I hope this helps, thank you for your interest in FlexibleSUSY.


On 25/06/18 02:36, Paul Bergeron wrote:
> Dear FlexibleSUSY authors,
> We're implementing FlexibleSUSY for a pMSSM analysis (using lowMSSM) 
> and noticed that the sfermion masses appear to be swapped between the 
> left and right-handed states in the SLHA output. For example, from 
> SOFTSUSY we find that
>     1000002 2.57973331e+03   # ~u_L
>     2000002 1.45341541e+03   # ~u_R
> while FlexibleSUSY reports
>     1000002 1.45369456E+03   # Su(1)
>     2000002 2.49974776E+03   # Su(4)
> for the up-squark masses. We've worked with this point in a previous 
> analysis and checked that SOFTSUSY gives (almost) identical results as 
> SPheno, so it seems that they're getting swapped in FlesibleSUSY's 
> SLHA files. We've attached the SLHA output from both FlexibleSUSY and 
> It looks like this may be the case for the CMSSM and the NUHMSSM 
> models as well; please advise.
> Best,
> Paul Bergeron
> -- 
> *Paul Bergeron, MS
> *
> ----------------------------------------------------
> PhD Candidate
> Department of Physics and Astronomy
> University of Utah
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Office:     INSCC 205-6A
> Website: http://www.physics.utah.edu/~bergeron/ 
> <http://www.physics.utah.edu/%7Ebergeron/>
> Email: bergeron.physics at gmail.com <mailto:bergeron.physics at gmail.com>
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